Saturday, August 21, 2010

My thoughts on the election

It's been a sad few years for Australian politics. Men of conviction (e.g. Rudd and Turnbull) had been deposed, instead replaced by puppet heads devoid of personaility (Kenneally, Gillard, Abbott).

Maxine McKew rightly assessed the sentiments (at least for her Bennalong electorate), namely indeed it is a strategic mistake. In her Chinese dominated electorate, the betrayal (the exact opposite of the virtue of loyalty esteemed by the Chinese) by the labor party in deposing a PM with fluent Mandarin has cost them the electorate, predicatbly.

However, she is also right in expressing the lack of policy and conviction expressed by either party, and the lack of hope or excitement in her electorate (which is also true of my feeling).

We have not been given any policies of note, and instead have been given just character assinations repeated over and over (i remember watching the train-wreck Ad - THREE TIMES - during ONE commercial break.)

Neither party in their speeches has said anything of note. (well, abbott has once again made a fool of himself , attacking Gillard and labor instead of doing anything positive to form government).

I personally would have hoped that either of them woudl have said the following:

'We have clearyl outlined (whatever our policies/action) is during this campaign, and respect the opinion of the public, etc. We will work with whichever indepedent/green and try to head towards this direction, etc, etc)

What saddens me most is that there is that both the upper and lower house may hang in the balance of the greens - one of the most openly anti-Christian policital party. I earnestly pray right now that either party (hopefully the coalition) can form a majority governemtn without involving a minor party.

It is right in 2 Timothy that we pray for a King (i.e. governemnt) that can govern in peace. In my personal opinion, a minority government that bows to the whims of independents and the greens would not achieve that result.

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