Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Trellis and the Vine... Chinese style

The teacher/scholar/elder person is respected in Chinese culture

These are all good things (after all, Jesus is a teacher, and the wisdom literature promote the wisdom of scholars, and older people are to be respected, as commanded in the pastoral letters (as well as other places)

However, at times this is skewed in the Chinese culture.

I am sure that a lot of people have read The Trellis and the Vine by col marshall and co

the application of those prinicples (i.e. pastor's role -A) training , not just ministry B) people, not program) is much harder in a chinese culture

I have seen two phenomena in some Chinese churches

1) some regard the pastor with a reverence in such a way they think they cannot do ministry
2) some regard the pastor with such disdain i have seen some people who think that a church is better off without a pastor.

Amongst many things, view 1 neglects the fact that we are a priesthood of believers and view 2 neglects that God does give some people the gift of teaching and equipping.

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