Wednesday, March 31, 2010

reflection on the book of numbers during my sleep

Sorry, LONG time no post.

Just reflected on the book of numbers in my sleep (from the Bible, not one of those geeky things i do when a draw a whole list of numbers on the train)...

summary: Israel went 'camping', not in the gaming sense, where they sit there and wait and kill (in the computer gaming sense -well, there's a sense of that - instead of going to canaan they killed a whole heap of animals... but this is to sacrifice to God), and also not in the recreational sense, but to worship God.

But when they set out, they grumbled.

This reflects well on us. all as Christians. i am planning to get married, and plan to renovate the house i bought... with interest rate rises, etc, and just the whole thing about how ridiculously much wedding costs, i have been unfocused and grumbling.

i should reflect more on one of my favourite hymns, 'Glorious thing of Thee has spoken', with one verse based on the book of numbners:

"Round each habitation hov'ring,
See the cloud and fire appear!
For a glory and a cov'ring,
Showing that the Lord is near;
Thus deriving, from their banner,
Light by night, and shade by day:
Safe they feed upon the manna
Which He gives them when they pray."

God leads with his presence both for his provision and his direction, with just enough sustenence for a life of worship.

1 comment:

Andrew Hong said...

Welcome back. You must write much more.