Sunday, September 14, 2008

How to form good habits from QT

I have recently added a facebook app abnout my personality:

And the outstanding result is my % (or lack thereof) of conscientiousness.

At the same time, i have been thinking about why and how many of us find it hard to take our QT into our daily lives.

the main reason is that we don't reflect on it.

I have thought of a weird method to help us apply our QT. Try to punch holes in this theory.


1) do your normal QT,
2) at the end of the week, look thru what you learnt, summarise all the passages, and pick out a pair of verbs, something that God has done, and something that i do:
3) set your mind on doing it for 1-4 weeks

for example:

Through my QT and the time at Engage conference, i have reflected upon these verses:

Ps 40:1 I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry.

John 10:11 The good shepherd (Jesus) lays down his life for the sheep.
John 21:15 Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep.

Jude 3
3 Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints

How does this affect me?

Since God hears prayers, I wait (actively) (Trust a lazy butt like me to choose 'waiting' as something that i have to do :) )
Since Jesus die for his sheep, I fight to feed the sheep (esp. since there's no pastor/older model at church)
Since the truth is entrusted, I contend.

2. Reason and Implications:

I think this is effective since
a) it still helps us to have good bible reading practices. (reading, understanding, summarising, )
b) it makes application concrete
c) habits form when you keep doing it for a month (e.g. AA asks people to quite drinking for a month)
d) Verbs about what we do increases application in our actions and motives, and verbs about what God has done increases our affection for HIm.

What you do guys think? does it work for you?

if you want to try this out, you can post a few pairs of verbs here to encourage each other.


william ng said...

Hey Adrian,

IT is useful to reflect on the bible passages and then translate them into verbs for our further re-reflection.

For me it is then
1) submit
2) commit
3) suffer

Mostly from 1Peter, but also from personal reflection.

It is very useful indeed.

Andrew Hong said...

Better than the much more popular read-and-forget method!

Unknown said...

Hey Adrian author,

as your reader, can i ask you a question? is it "quite drinking for a month" or "quit drinking"?

ha ha, just playing. I think your article is cool and useful. Write more! we are looking forward to reading your words for witnessing the Lord.