Friday, November 7, 2008

Gen Y, Politics, Culture, Rhetoric, and Implications for Preaching

Haven't blogged for ages.

Had a 20.5 hour day yesterday, even though the body is weak, the mind is still active.

These are some of the things that i have thought about:

1) Does the Ascent of the Gen Ys mean the death of Preaching?

Gen Ys and post 80s has been teh subject of many studies.

One of the more interesting one is to see the similarities and contrasts between them in America and China:

The typical picture of older people on Gen Ys are that they are apathetic unmotivated hedonist that are Tech Savvy, bombarded with information and looking for instant gratification.

Obviously Gen Ys don't see themselves that way.

At times though one wonders what is the place of preaching to this generation. There is an information overload.. Does preaching still work?

2) Politics and the rise of the new poet and new heroes?

I have observed politics for a while, and it seems that with the new generation comes new emphases. I'll try to succinctly draw on some interesting political phenomena.

These are the leaders that has risen to/given power (and my opinion of some of the traits that appeal in particular to Gen Y):

America - Obama, the charismatic poet
Australia - Rudd, an eloquent visionary
China - Wen Jia Bao - A man of action (esp seen in the Yunnan Earthquake). (Though i don't know enough about chinese politics or politics in general to assess him or others that closely) Look at his fan club:

The Gen Y's turn out for the American Election is surprisingly high. When inspired by a poet and a vision, Gen Ys do great things and are motivated. What does it mean for Christian ministers?

3) Implications for ministry

a) Preaching is not dead, in fact, it's needed more than ever.

Given the rise of Charismatic men of action and eloquence, Gen Ys and many others are more than ever inspired by words.

b) A new Portrayal of Jesus?

There is a picture of Jesus that we don't look at much. Graeme Goldsworthy in Gospel and Wisdom sees Wisdom fulfilled in Jesus (Duh, it's Goldsworthy book, i suppose it can't go anywhere else!). But Jesus is seen as a wise man, a sage.

The Charismatic hiddenness of Jesus teaching (and its wisdom) that motivates the crowd is a good piece of rhetoric, motivating the crowd, giving the poor hope and the nation of Israel a new hero and Messiah. Obviously we need to bridge the hermeneutical gap between the gospel times and now given that we are not the nation of Israel, etc.. But having said that, is this the portrayal of Jesus (amongst many others) required of this generation?

Qn: can you think about what Gen Ys want (felt needs) and what area of the gospel relates to that?